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"As Iron Sharpens Iron, So One Person Sharpens Another.”
Proverbs 27:17

We understand every athlete is unique and needs to be treated accordingly. Whether on the court or in the weight room, we conduct ourselves with complete transparency. We take great pride in our ability to build relationships and be a major source of inspiration for anyone who walks through our doors.


"I have had the pleasure of working with Bobby since at least 8th grade. His training style, ability, and commitment are his best qualities. He has helped not only strengthen me but has made me appreciate the importance of taking care of my body so that I can continue to play and do what I love most which is basketball. Bobby inspires you to be the best you can be! With HyPower Performance success is inevitable."
Pequannock, New Jersey
"Training with Bobby & Greg over the last couple years has been a tremendous help for my game, physically & mentally. While my skills improved, they taught me how to control games through pace of play as a point guard. If you are serious about the game of basketball, I highly suggest working with them to bring your game to an elite level."
Morristown, New Jersey
"Trusting someone to train your son is a very difficult decision. Not only do you need to be concerned with the physical part but also the emotional aspect as well. Bobby of HyPower Performance has not only physically challenged my son, taught him about muscle development, strength training and stretching, but so much more. He has helped him with basketball skills and was a major factor in allowing my son to make his dream of playing in college come true. Bobby has taught my son to have mental toughness and confidence in himself and Bobby taught me to remember and allow us to enjoy as well! He was supportive and helpful as my son suffered an injury during the very important junior year and kept him feeling positive. Not only do I consider Bobby the best of the best in training, I consider him an amazing role model and person. We are grateful to have him in our lives."
Montville, New Jersey

Bobby WHYTe
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